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Anti-Inflammatory Foods

I had a question about anti-inflammatory foods yesterday so I decided I would write about inflammation in general today.  Some inflammatory diseases include:  asthma, atherosclerosis, arthritis, Chron’s disease, colitis, diverticulitis, fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome.  Inflammation is the end result of long term oxidative stress, usually stemming from our diet and our high stress levels.  There are many anti-inflammatory...

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When most people think of diabetes, it’s usually Type I diabetes that comes to mind. This usually develops at a young age and occurs when the body is unable to produce insulin.  This accounts for approximately 10% of all diabetics.  Insulin is normally secreted by the pancreas when the body needs to reduce sugar levels.  When sugary,  refined foods are eaten,...

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Resistance vs Flow

Many of us live our lives filled with stress, grief, fears, insecurities, doubt and other negativity.  We constantly try to control things around us – people, circumstances and other events.  We see life as an ongoing challenge because we’re often disappointed.  When we do this, we’re resisting rather than accepting life as it is. We...

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As part of my daily blog, I will also start to discuss various ailments and chronic diseases.  If there are any particular topics you would like to hear more about, please feel free to contact me and I can focus on those topics more often. Arthritis affects millions of people all over the world.  It accounts...

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When we hear the word calcium, the word that comes to mind next for most people is…MILK.  Why is this the case?  The marketing division of the powerful dairy industry spends millions each year in advertising to link these two words.  Think about it – we are the only species who drink another species’ milk. Even cow’s milk is only intended for...

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There is life force all around us.  In yoga, life force is referred to as prana.  In order to gain access to this life force, we must breathe deeply.  As we breathe in prana, this directly translates to more energy in the body.  Most of us predominantly breathe with a very small percentage of our lung capacity.  Begin today by making...

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