When I’m not yoga-ing, my other passion is food…and all of the things we attach to the simple act of eating. Food isn’t just about what we eat but how and why we eat the way we do. This is generally based on subconscious beliefs we’re holding onto from childhood. Did someone used to tell you “There are starving people out there – eat everything on your plate!” If you’ve been trying to change your eating habits without success, dig a little deeper and see what’s really there. If you’re not letting go of a deep rooted mindset, no amount of wishing or hoping will change it.
Just like yoga, first we work with awareness. What is going on inside? When we inquire openly and lovingly, we will start to experience transformation. We give ourselves permission to drop anything that is no longer serving us.

My background of study is Holistic Nutrition – a concept that integrates fresh and healthy food into our lifestyle and uses it as a way to nurture and heal us. Drop the processed, packaged, artificial foods and focus on food in its most natural state. These foods are packed with nutrients which improve energy levels, decrease internal stress and boost overall health.
I don’t believe that there is one “right” diet for every person. There are new diets and fads coming out all the time. When we truly listen to our body, it will tell us what it wants. Experiencing anxiety lately? Cut down on coffee and take more naps. See if anything shifts. Noticing heartburn or bloating? Chew your food exceptionally well, breathe deeply before eating and slow down.

I believe that food and eating should be fun and enjoyable. My approach to nutrition is very similar to yoga. This light hearted and easy going approach will guide us in the direction we need in life, depending on whatever it is we’re going through right now.
I work with clients on a one to one basis to discuss their health goals, do kitchen makeovers, lead healthy grocery store tours, arrange weekly menus and do cooking classes.
I love speaking at large and small events, both formal and relaxed environments. Topics can include Emotional Eating, Food and Stress Levels, Eating for Energy, Mindful Cooking, Reducing Sugar in our Diet, and Detoxification.

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” Thomas Edison