As mentioned in yesterday’s blog post, we naturally begin to embark on deep spring cleaning activities when we start to feel like spring is just around the corner. We clean out and dispose of things that have been accumulating, which are no longer of use to us. We open the windows for the first time in months and take in the fresh air. Satisfying, revitalising and fulfilling…
When discussing spring cleanses on a holistic level, there are so many ways we can renew and refresh. We can take the traditional form of spring cleansing to a whole new level and introduce it internally. There are three main areas to focus on: the body, the mind and the spirit.
The best known way to cleanse the internal body is through a detox or “cleanse”, hence the name. There are numerous ways to do this. Some choose to do intense cleanses by completely removing certain foods for a long period of time while others refrain from one or two things like caffeine and alcohol. With a detox, it’s best to include many fresh foods and minimize foods that cause acidity in the body. Bring in the alkaline foods and remove the acidic foods. We’ll get into which are which in the next few days. Since winter is a time for enjoying building and warming foods, a spring detox is a perfect time to kick-start the body, which will result in more energy and improved health.
The next major focus is to cleanse the mind. Until we start to pay attention to it, we don’t really understand how quick the mind goes. Our habitual thoughts are usually what cause us suffering. These habitual thoughts are the things we think about over and over – our fears, our desires, our prejudices. The best way to approach this is to take a few minutes each day and spend a few moments alone in a quiet setting. From a place of acknowledgment, not judgement, just begin to observe your thoughts. We must understand where we’re coming from before we can start to slow down our mind. Have fun with this, rather than making it a stressful experience. It’s normal to cause angst at the beginning but think of it as a way to get to know yourself better.
The last form of spring cleansing is our spirit. I like to think of this as what makes us happy and whole. This requires asking yourself a lot of big questions. Is there something I’ve been holding out on? What hobby have I always wanted to try? Is there a habit that isn’t serving me anymore? Do I have any goals or dreams that are unfulfilled? Once you start this process, it can open up a lot of emotions. It can be an extremely rich and rewarding experience. A lack of personal renewal can manifest into health issues and ailments, so begin to embrace this as soon as possible.
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