We need to undergo “daily detoxification” because of today’s toxic world. Instead of a major detox every so often, the following recommendations can be done on a daily basis and help to promote detoxification, and turn digestive energies toward elimination processes.
1) Fast while you’re eating.
This means eating less, eating more consciously and eating nutrient dense food.
2) Avoid a big breakfast on a regular basis.
The digestive system is strongest in the morning and we don’t want to overload it first thing in the morning. Instead, space out your meals into smaller and more frequent meals. This generates more digestive enzymes and promotes ongoing detoxification.
3) Avoid non-foods whenever possible.
This means foods that don’t have any real nutritional value. Some examples include coffee, black tea, sugar, preservatives, dyes, chemicals, alcohol, refined foods and nicotine.
4) As a change, eat only fruit first thing in the morning.
Fruits are best fresh and whole, as juicing or drying makes them a highly concentrated source of sugar. Eat fruit before a meal rather than after. Fruit is digested quickly in the body and it can get stuck behind slower digested foods. When eaten with other foods, fruit acts as a primer for yeast in the gut.
5) Practice food combining from time to time. This is a practice that avoids mixing carbohydrates with proteins. Eat carbohydrates with vegetables for lunch as fuel. For dinner, eat protein with vegetables for building. Different enzymes are used to break down each major food group so splitting them up assists the body’s breakdown processes.