Through brilliant marketing, food corporations have us believing that Uncle Ben makes rice, Tony the Tiger makes cereal and Colonel Sanders makes chicken. Not only are these food mascots visually appealing, but their products allow us to eat whatever we want, whenever we want. We can tear open a box and “cook” traditional meals in the microwave in minutes. We can assemble pre-made parts to cook a meal in no time. We can even eat meals that taste like one kind of food but appear to be something else…hamburger simulated pizza pockets?!?
We can do this because the food is packaged, processed, artificially flavoured, and all mass produced. The quality of the food is shocking because it has been injected with so many preservatives and chemicals just to keep the food on the shelves longer. When food deeply lacks quality, it becomes hard to satisfy us. We then keep grabbing for more and more, just to subconsciously feel satisfied. As convenience food became popular in the 1950’s, people sacrificed real food for its processed counterpart. Fresh oranges turned into frozen concentrate, real oats became multi coloured, sugary versions, and aged cheddar evolved into a bright orange and spreadable form.
Our bodies are left feeling dissatisfied and this type of eating negatively affects how we feel, how we eat and how much we eat. When we keep eating past fullness, this leads to problems such as weight gain, diabetes, hypertension and clogged arteries. Unfortunately speed comes at a cost. The ability to prepare food in no time, means that we’re eating chemicals instead of actual food.
It’s time that we begin to rediscover real food! You’ll feel happier, you’ll reach your ideal weight and you’ll be healthier for it. As you begin to replace fake food with real food, your body will feel nourished on a deeper level and this will diminish many food related problems.