Sugar is found in almost everything these days. It’s found in food we wouldn’t even think – bread, spaghetti sauce, ketchup, yogurt, mayonnaise, salad dressing, lunch meat, crackers, soup and almost all packaged food. When we ingest sugar, it’s a quick fix of energy that our body likes. At first. After a while, high sugar intake can lead to many problems such as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Some of the sugars to avoid – fake sugars! The multi-billion dollar food industry markets to people who are trying to avoid excess calories and sugar. Cookies are labelled “sugar free” but what has gone in to them instead? If sugar is taken out, chemicals and preservatives are usually added in to maintain the taste. Things like high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, glucose and fructose are all names to watch out for. Of course, as a rule, avoid anything you can’t pronounce.
So…what to do when we do want something sweet? Raw honey and real maple syrup are both excellent alternatives that are natural and whole. Just don’t overdo it – they do still raise our blood sugar. Fruit is also a natural source of sugar. If we are currently eating too much white sugar, our taste buds can get desensitised and we might not taste the true sweetness of fruit. Start today by making a difference to your daily routine. Use one less sugar in your coffee or skip that sugary afternoon treat. Replace it with something that is whole and recognizable to the body. Try as often as possible to eat your food closest to its original state. Your body will thank you!