So much of our life is about our attitude. Our attitude affects our behaviours and our actions. Rather than relying on our good intentions, the emphasis is on the doing. How many times have you set out to change something or start a new activity but then it fades away eventually? We place so much of our efforts on whether we feel like it each day, feel like making the change on that particular day.
If we only rely on our good intentions, this usually isn’t enough to propel us forward. We can’t simply wait around until we feel good and then, with the required “feeling good” momentum, being acting great. We must act great whether we feel good or not! A similar quote to summarise this is “Fake it until you make it.”
This advice remains true for all parts of this path – whether we’re practising relaxation on a stressful day, struggling through a new event, or watching our mind run in circles as we try to still it. The overall concept is the same. Just do it. Quit listening to the negativity in your mind and instead, act as if it’s already happening. Your body and mind will soon catch up. Whatever it is you want to start doing, just begin doing it. Be bold. Act grand. Smile lots.