If you’re a coffee drinker and want to try cutting down, start by replacing it with tea. Even better, try herbal tea instead. Coffee is fine once in a while, whether it’s enjoyed as a treat or at a cafe with friends. Caffeine addictions can start to occur when we rely on it every day. It’s very common to hear things like “I can’t survive without my morning coffee” or “Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my caffeine hit”. This is obviously an exaggeration but for some people, it’s not far from the truth.
Rather than eliminate coffee completely, start by cutting down. If you have more than one a day, try to limit yourself to one cup a day. If you have one a day, try to only have one every other day. Weening yourself off slowly is often the best bet. As an experiment, you can always cut it out completely for a week and observe your reactions. If you experience headaches or nausea, this is a sign of how addicted you might be. If you do notice reactions, it’s best to cut it out slowly.
Whenever we try to remove something from our diet, it’s all about breaking the habit. It will be harder at first but your body will eventually get used to it. Keep note of your symptoms and notice if you’re less anxious or maybe even more tired than before. The first week or two will vary and then your symptoms will start to subside. Enjoy a variety of different teas and experiment with them. Certain varieties are related to specific benefits. Chamomile, for example, helps with insomnia. Dandelion root tea is excellent for the liver. Peppermint is soothing for digestion.
With less caffeine in our diets, it is easier for our body to naturally regulate its metabolism and lower stress hormone production in the body. Start today!