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Yoga Globe Trotting with Sarah

My love of travelling has merged with my love of yoga!  When you take yourself out of habits and routines, your energy shifts and you see things differently.  When you turn yourself upside down (downward dog counts!), you see the world from an upside down perspective.  Your cells are shaken up, then they recalibrate and land in a different place.  This is like natural caffeine for your body and mind – and it’s magic for your soul!  Don’t be under the illusion you need a mat or a studio or a full hour of spare time.  Every surface is a mat.  Every location is a studio.  Every spare second is an opportunity to breathe, bend, stretch and connect.  Yoga can be done anywhere…any time…

“Focus on the powerful, euphoric, synchronistic, beautiful parts of life, and the universe will keep giving them to you.”


Mexico 2016 423
Iphone 94 148
Iphone 94 066
Iphone 94 067
Iphone 94 079
Iphone 94 136
Iphone 94 151
Mexico 2016 240
Mexico 2 008
Iphone 94 140
Iphone 94 141
Mexico 2016 264
Mexico 2016 348
Iphone 94 137
Mexico 2 012
Cottage '15 292
Almalfi 046
Cottage 2 '15 015
Almalfi 150
Cottage 2 '15 074
Almalfi 147
Cottage '15 237
Cottage '15 353
Cottage '15 189